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Hotel Clement V
15 rue Jacques Manchotte , F-24170 Belves
Tél. +33(0)5 53 28 68 80
Fax +33 (0)5 53 28 14 21

Proprietor: Muriel Fischer

Receive personalized service and ask for the Small Elegant Hotels rate.
Sonoma Coast Villa & Spa
16702 Coast Highway One, Bodega, CA 94922
Toll Free +1 (888) 404-2255
Fax +1 (707) 876-9856

Manager: Mr. Johannes Zachbauer

Ask for the Special Small Elegant Hotels Rate or click on Reservation Inquiry.
Saschas Kachelofen
Kirchstr. 3
D-87561 Oberstdorf

Tel +49 8322 97750
Fx +49 8322 80123

Proprietor: Sascha Diestelkamp

VIP Advantage:
Free VIP Night (value up to €97), Free bottle of wine and fruit basket